How 3D Printed Prosthetics Are Changing Lives

2024-03-29 14:33

When people think of 3D printing, they usually imagine personalized home decorations, customized jewelry, and even 3D printed food. What many don’t realize, though, is that this technology is becoming widely used in various industries. One of the most inspiring examples of the capabilities of this technology can be seen in the medical field, specifically in the creation of prosthetics for those have lost a limb.

Benefits Of 3D Printing Prosthetics

The technology of prosthetics has been steadily improving over the years. It has evolved from wooden toes in Ancient Egypt and heavy iron hands in the 16th century (and of course the wooden legs we all know pirates had) to contemporary custom-fit prosthetics that have microprocessors as well as pneumatic and hydraulic controls to promote natural movement. These are evidence of the prosthetic industry’s steady progress, but it’s important to note that it doesn’t stop there. The entire sector has been revolutionized by the arrival of 3D printing, leverages modern technology to change the lives of ordinary people, many of whom could never have afforded conventional high-tech prosthetics.

Removing Barriers by Reducing Costs

As of 2013, the cost of a prosthetic is estimated to be around $5,000 to $50,000, depending on the level of sophistication. If that doesn’t already seem prohibitive, consider that according to the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, even expensive prosthetics are only designed to handle a maximum of five years’ worth of wear and tear. What do this mean for amputees? For kids and teens who have lost a limb, it could result in a huge financial burden on their parents. Children grow up so fast, so they’d need to change their prosthetics every few years (or even months) to ensure that their artificial limb matches their height as well as the size and shape of their body. Add this to the fact that most kids are active and have the tendency to break things, and it’s easy to see that families will have to spend a lot on prosthetics — if they can afford to spend at all. For low-income families that are barely struggling to feed themselves, paying for an artificial limb is simply not an option.

The Future of 3D Printed Prosthetics

With the advantages listed above, it can’t be denied that 3D printing has become an important part of the prosthetics industry. The best thing about this is that the technology is not static; it’s steadily evolving as new discoveries are made and existing methods are improved with innovative methods. Here’s what we can expect from 3D printed prosthetics in the future:

New Technologies

Traditional prosthetics are getting a makeover with bionic propulsion systems, processors that predict the user’s movements, and other innovations. Ultimately, these exciting technologies will make their way to 3D printed prosthetics, allowing people to have access to these improvements and enjoy better mobility and more control over their life.

More Support From Advocacy Groups

With the increasing availability of 3D printed prosthetics, it’s highly likely that organizations such as e-NABLE and the Enable Community Foundation will continue their work. In fact, there’s a chance that more organizations will be formed once more people realize the impact that 3D printing prosthetics have. This, in turn, means that more people will have access to low-cost but highly effective prosthetics that can change their lives.

Improved and More Customized Designs

When we say “design”, we actually talk about both form and function. In terms of appearance, 3D printed prosthetics are far from ugly. In fact, many units nowadays can come in various colors that delight kids, and some can be made to match the skin tone of the wearer, which often appeals to adults.It’s fair to say, though, that improvements in technology will make prosthetics even more visually appealing. They can be made to look exactly like real limbs so that the wearers won’t stand out from the crowd and feel self-conscious. They can also be decorated with artistic designs, such as the elegant swirls that Natasha Hope-Simpson has on her prosthetic leg. Hope-Simpson was involved in a hit-and-run accident that led to the amputation of her leg, but she decided to bounce back by wearing a prosthetic that featured intricate artwork.


Creating customized designs for 3D printed prosthetics is already happening. Over the next few years, it can become the norm. While ready-made designs are amazing, the ability for people to create customized pieces like Hope-Simpsons opens up a whole new vista of possibilities.

How Brozan 3D Printer can help

Brozan 3D Printer is proud to offer an array of 3D printing design and contract 3D printing services. Whether you’re looking to create the CAD file you need to communicate with 3D printers or are looking to find a 3D printing service provider, Brozan 3D Printer has the expertise you need to realize your project goals.


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